Africa...God's Own Land

Africa...God's Own Land
Let's bring out the real African beauty

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nu Generation Africans

New Africans

Hello my fellow Africans, greetings from my heart.
It has been a long way for us 'Africans' on earth, Martin Luther King Jr. once said "Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed". We have been fighting for freedom and acceptance in places where we found ourselves or migrated to, but God has blessed our land only that we are blind to see. I want you to ask your self this few questions:
1. Where in the this world is the most blessed land with all NATURAL RESOURCES?
2. Which continent is NATURAL DISASTER FREE LAND?
3. Where do brotherly love being practiced most?
4. Where can you find Natural environments?

Tears drops when ever I watch the media only showing the bad pictures about Africa, most celebrities in various industries are African, in Sports world Africans are uncountable and historical. In other fields of life they represent, this are all personal effort.
All the Continents have a strong united body only Africa eg United State of America(SA), United Nations(UN), United Arab Emirate(UAE). Won't it sound nice if we have United Nations of Africa(UNA) for the purpose of caring for each other in Times of needs and to share ideas on how to develop Africa instead of having a divided minds.....

I have come up with this blog for the new minds African, lets share our ideas and knowledge on how to make a New Africa by bring new Technology, Administration, Fair Political practice, and innovative idea in different sectors into Africa to make a new Africa instead of war. Let's change our mind set to the 21st century to make a Better AFRICA. Let's learn from people like Nelson Mandela which today Football World Cup will be hosted in South Africa in his honor.